HANOVER, April 22, 2024 — The choruses and quartets of Hanover, NH Chapter of the Barbershop Harmony Society (BHS) continued to shine during the 2024 BHS Northeastern District Spring Convention and Contest held in Cape Cod April 19-20, bringing home several awards.

With performances of the song, "I Just Found Out About Love" and debuting their rendition of "Like I'm Gonna Lose You," the VoxStars impressed the judges enough to bring home the Overall Chorus Champions, All Voices Champions, and the Most Improved Chorus Award, within the Granite & Pine Division.

The North Country Chordsmen inspired the audience with "Let There Be Peace" and brought levity with "As Long As I Got You," garnering the award for Male Voices Champion in the Granite & Pine Division.
Both VoxStars and the Chordsmen scored well enough to compete in the Fall competition.

The chapter saw the debut of two new quartets this year. Male Voices Quartet Blue Streak performed "As Long As I Got You" and "Over The Rainbow," and advanced to the Fall competition.

All-Voices Quartet 91 North performed the classics "I've Been Working on the Railroad" and "Down Our Way," departing the contest with the award for Novice All Voices Quartet Champions in the Granite & Pine Division.
We're so very proud of all of our performers and can't wait to perform on stage again in autumn.